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From Legal Secretary to Licensed Conveyancer

To become a licensed conveyancer, a legal secretary would need to obtain the necessary qualifications and experience required by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC).

The CLC sets out the following requirements for becoming a licensed conveyancer:

  1. Qualifications: To become a licensed conveyancer, candidates must complete a CLC-approved qualification. This involves completing the Level 4 Conveyancing Law & Practice diploma and the Level 6 Conveyancing Law & Practice diploma.

  2. Work experience: In addition to obtaining the necessary qualifications, candidates must also have at least 1200 hours of relevant work experience in conveyancing or property law.

  3. Character and suitability: Candidates must be of good character and meet the suitability requirements set out by the CLC, which include passing a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Once a legal secretary has completed the necessary qualifications and work experience, they can apply to become a licensed conveyancer by submitting an application to the CLC. The application will include evidence of their qualifications and work experience, as well as details of their character and suitability.

It is worth noting that becoming a licensed conveyancer can be a challenging process that requires a significant investment of time and effort. However, for legal secretaries who are interested in specializing in conveyancing law, becoming a licensed conveyancer can be a rewarding career path that offers opportunities for professional growth and development.

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